Artigo Naxtly Naciel June 11, 1973 in Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, Argentina Republic. Since 1990, dedicated to the aesthetics specializing as a professional stylist. In the year 1998, began painting as an autodidact as a result though unconscious and have had a direct influence of his grandfather consangunea YTOs nature artists. In the year 2000, is received from professional makeup artist. In 2003, she was invited to exhibit at various art spaces and when he decided to start their formation: Centro Cultural Ricardo Rojas, "Manual for the self-taught painter," with Mariano Zir (2003). Workshop plastic artist and photographer Juan Doffo (2004). Workshop plastic artist Pablo Fontes (2005). Currently studying the Bachelor of Plastic Arts at the National Institute of Visual Arts (IUNA) especializndoce in painting and sculpture. Solo Exhibitions: 2006 September Year: Librera of Sciences, "Towards the cosmos." August: Exhibition Centoira itinerant Galera. May: New Club Buenos Aires, multi-space art, "Ex-pressure." Ao 2005 March: "Cafeto" themed bar, "Races." February: New Club Buenos Aires, "Find it." Ao 2003 October: New Club Buenos Aires, "Stimulant." July: Ultralounge, art & design space, "Nature," Passion "revolution." Exhibitions: 2006 April Year: Sociedad Argentina de Escritores (SADE), "Homage to the literature Argentina." March: Galerancleo of art, "Women in Art". Ao 2005 October: SF, space art and culture, "First National Salon Librera Thesis." Ao 2004 October: Palacio San Miguel, OSDE Foundation River Plate competition in September: Sheraton Hotel, Area Women. February: New Club Bs As, "Enrgica." Ao 2003 March: Buenos Aires News, "Art & performance", Pall Mall Awards: March 2004 (acquisition), Amur, UNESCO, "The world's longest flag for peace." Acquisitions and commissions Ao 2004 Commissioned Work "In search of divine balance" by AMURA (environmental NGO), to surrender to the authorities of the Republic of Andorra, Europe, the representation of the Republic Argentina. Commissioning and adquicisin year 2006 "Advertising Sarmiento, institutional campaign of Urban Art, Advertising Sarmiento SA